Ancestors believed that when the head of the family, the problems with potency, — it will have an adverse effect on its ability to support the strands in agriculture, and even for such unpredictable phenomena, how proceeds from the land economy or the fertility of cattle.

Such a decision is quite logical: man, if you have problems with an erection, it is under stress. Disturbing thoughts and hinders him in everyday matters and in the solution of professional tasks. But you need to remember: an honest conversation with your doctor and the right treatment plan will help restore a full sex life and self-esteem.
It's potency
Potency (sexual) (in the Latin.potentia is power) — this is the ability of the body to the attainment of sexual intercourse, or its positive completion. In sexology, the term potency usually refers to the male sexuality. So, the potency determines the sexual ability of men and to a certain extent is characterized by the effort of a penis, speed of emergence of an erection, the duration of the sexual intercourse and normal to its flow, and in a broader sense - the most options to lead a normal sexual life. Potency cannot be identified with the practice of them the rhythm of sexual life, such as sexual skills of this or that men may not correlate with the frequency of his sexual acts. Also in any case it cannot be identified with the intensity of his sexual desire, which in some forms of erectile dysfunction is not only weakened, but, on the contrary, can grow.
The causes of the deterioration of male potency
Disorders of erectile function can occur in a very many reasons, and often these developed by disorders are only a symptom of another disease. In general, as usual, the causes, influencing the development of erectile dysfunction, can be divided into five groups.
Psychological disorders - the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Depression
- Addiction
- Alcoholism
- Specific psychopathological disorders fear of sexual impotence, depleted sexual technique, etc.
Endocrine disorders - the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Hypogonadism (underdevelopment of sexual glands)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
- Sarcoidosis (a special form of inflammation in which are involved the lungs, the eye, the skin and internal organs) points, including due to the hypothalamus, a region (area of the brain that regulates the activity of internal organs)
Disorders of the vascular system is the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Atherosclerotic defeat of the arterial system of the penis on the background of diabetes mellitus,smoking, increased blood cholesterol, hypertensive disease
- Occlusion (i.e., hardening) of the arteries of the small pelvis (usually occurs after fractures of the pelvic bones)
- Disorders of venous system - increased outflow of blood from the penis
- The combination of different types of lesions of the vascular system of the penis
- Violation of cerebral vascular accident (stroke)
Organic changes of the penis - causes erectile dysfunction
- Peyronie's disease (curvature of penis)
- Injury, injury, delegated inflammation, etc.
Neurological disorders - the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Diseases of the spinal cord
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's Disease
According to statistics, in 60% of cases the cause of impotence is that the blood is not pumped to the penis, or occurs its rapid outflow of back. In 15% of cases the cause must be sought in the hidden disorders of the nervous system. 5% of cases develops on the background of different endocrine (hormonal) disease. And only 20% are caused by psychological motives.
Diabetes mellitus
The negative impact on the state of the nerve endings on the penis, disrupting their normal functioning, and leads to disturbances in the function of smooth muscles, which is erectile tissue.
Increased blood pressure and therapy aimed at lowering blood pressure, can also harm the blood circulation in the sexual member.
All spaces
This is the main reason for the occurrence, when a failure is of capillary blood flow in the penis. For this reason, smoking, or rather "Smoking" many experts belong to a separate group causes of erectile dysfunction.
The main harmful substance which is contained in inhaled us tobacco smoke. The main pathological effects of nicotine - resistant spasm (ie, narrowing) of blood vessels of small caliber, including those that supply blood to the penis. In addition, it has been demonstrated that nicotine promotes the appearance of atherosclerosis - a dangerous disease, which leads to greater brittleness and blockage of blood vessels. The most commonly from atherosclerosis affected blood vessels of the heart and the brain. As a result, a person may experience a myocardial infarction or stroke, which themselves make a normal sexual life impossible. But quite often narrowing or complete blockage of blood vessels in the penis, and in this case the patient develops durable impotence.
On the potency in men affects very many substances. Research in this area is dedicated to a large number of publications. We are in answering this question, briefly tell the negative effects of those substances, of which virtually all heard, and many of us in touch with them. These are common medicines and so-called psychotropic substances ie substances that affect the psyche. First of all, it's alcohol and drugs.
In small doses it has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system of the person, as it is known - "Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantities". In this context, is the abuse of alcohol becomes a major risk factor in the development of erectile dysfunction in our fellow citizens. The main reason for the violation of the quality of erections on a background of the use of alcohol - it is a violation of the functions of the liver and as a consequence - a violation of the exchange of male hormones, which depends normal sexual function. Inter alia, under the influence of alcohol will dull the sensitivity, and consequently, problems arise with the onset of ejaculation (ejaculation) and that up to complete her absence.
What pills to potency better
Currently, there are many pills to increase potency, enjoying great popularity among men who have erection problems. Depending on the reasons for the decline of potency, can set apart various means, each of which its effect. Substance for erectile function can be distinguished into groups:
- Phosphodiesterase-5;
- Hormonal preparations, on the basis of testosterone;
- An alternative medication.

The drug should be selected on the basis of the objectives, which is punishable.
But before they turn to synthetic drugs, it is necessary to try natural methods to increase the potency. First of all it is necessary to remove the reasons for a decrease in potency. Secondly, it is necessary to do special exercises, which the potency. Third, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, pre-get rid of bad habits. If ingestion of diet pills can not be avoided, then try to increase potency at the same time using the tablets and natural methods. The effectiveness of this treatment will be much higher and the time a tablet will be less, or even state.
Phosphodiesterase - 5
This group of substances, improves the ratio of blood in the penis, due to the blocking of a single enzyme in the body (phosphodiesterase type 5). Each drug of this group has its pros and cons.
They are appointed by the doctor if erectile function is impaired due to insufficient levels of sex hormones in a man's body. Can be used gels, ointments, patches, pills, and injection-based testosterone (more about hormonal preparations for men).
This group of drugs is used in traditional medicine, but is popular due to the active promotion on the market. Effective effect of these drugs is not proven, and the effects caused by the action of the means, it may be the placebo effect.